keep letters on file. with both your name and Code number except when return address.


Yet any number of you send letters code. I dont need both. Send the sending money which should have a

If any of you have not as yet sent in your questionaire please do so promptly. I want to start correlating them as soon as #7 is out and I want to have 100 to do it with so that it will all come out in %. So far the results look very interesting. I am sure we have here a batch of infor- mation the like of which no one else in the country, with the possible exception of the Institute of Sex Research, has. As time permits it will be used to advance the cause.


The matter of the extra stories that I referred to once before has not been forgotten, but I was late on #6 as you know (I got about 2 doz. letters all in a sweat with-- "Where is it I can't wait" Then the holidays came and then #7 which I've worked mightily on trying to get back on schedule, so I will be ready to start work on the first of the books this spring. Incidentally please dont get nervous when you don't get the mag on schedule. I have to earn a living too you know. I promise you that you will get each issue you pay for so just be patient. I cant take the time to answer these letters because it would just slow the whobe project for everybody. If ever I give this up voluntarily or from some necessity you will get back any moneys you have prid.

The post office is still visiting various persons who are subscribers to TVia. Not because of the magazine itself but because the P 0. suspects that we harbor among our read- ers some who are guilty of postal irregularities. I make the same two comments I did before: (1) Don't send anything through the mails that can be considered obscene, pornographic or sexually stimulating. They'll get you if you do and you will be mighty sorry, and besides it gives a bad name to the whole group. (2) If you are visited don't panic. Admit to being a TV and try to explain that it is not immoral but merely a way of expressing an aspect of personality. Sev- eral of us in various parts of the country have done a pretty good education job already. Eventually by sheer weight the Inspectors are going to learn that TVism isn't bad.